Grandvue Auxiliary
The Grandvue Auxiliary has been serving Residents and staff since 1969. Members devote their time and companionship to ensure Residents enjoy special facility events. The Auxiliary raises funds that the group uses to enhance the lives of Grandvue’s Residents.
The Auxiliary has purchased therapy equipment, blanket warmers, outdoor furniture, courtyard flowers and a new comfort chair and made significant contributions toward the purchase of a new Resident transport van, the Grandvue Greenhouse and the Grandvue Terrace and Recreation Park. Auxiliary members are always on the lookout for ways to bring joy to Grandvue’s Residents and staff and have sponsored special staff lunches and Resident treats.
The Auxiliary accepts individual donations and welcomes new members. If you would like more information about the Grandvue Auxiliary, please call our Activity Director at (231) 536-2286.